Friday, July 24, 2009

Hybrid cars, eco-friendly automotive breakthrough

Hybrid car, is the latest technology with the latter discussed in the crowded automotive world. Called hybrids, because the car uses two types of energy sources, namely gasoline and electricity. To be used, a car must meet certain requirements. First, it should be through a distance of at least 300 miles, or 482 km before the energy filled again, so not making drivers. Second, the fuel must be done quickly and easily. Third, it must be just as quick with another vehicle on the road so it does not obstruct traffic.

Cars of fuel gas that we use can now meet all the requirements, but generate excessive pollution. Meanwhile, a car equipped with electricity, causing almost no pollution at all, but can only travel a maximum distance of 50 km each time you refill. In addition, the contents charging is very slow and not easy. Hybrid car combines the benefits of both.

The world has long dream of environmentally friendly cars. Namely, that the car free of carbon emissions so that does not aggravate global warming. This dream changed to a later urgent need because the price of fuel meroket. During the emission of carbon-free technologies, such as car fuel of hydrogen, alcohol, or still need time to develop, this is the hybrid car may be the most widely marketed because it does not require new infrastructure.

With hybrid technology, a car engine works with gasoline diperkecil because he can not work alone. Energy needed to run the car can also be obtained from the electric motor that is in it. Hybrid cars are also designed in such a way so that it can work with minimal energy as possible. Car engine that automatically make more small cars overall weight also become more lightweight. This makes the car requires less energy when climbing climb. Car body model is also designed with the aerodynamics so that friction with the air can be reduced. Thus, the use of fuel can also be diminished.

With so many sophisticated technologies, does not wonder if the price is quite expensive hybrid cars. If it be thought strange-thinking as well, to save fuel costs, we even have to pay more to buy a hybrid car. To that must also have capital!

Pocket while we have not been able to purchase this modern technology, there are ways of driving to save fuel, even with a normal car once was. For example, with a slower race. Friction car with air increased sharply as we accelerate the pace car. This makes the car so wasteful of gas.

Go with a fixed speed are also more fuel sparingly. Why? Because every time we accelerate the pace car, we use energy, and when we memperlambatnya again, we use more energy. By repeatedly accelerate and slow the car, we use twice the energy than if we go with a fixed speed.

One more important is, do not stop suddenly. When we suddenly stop, brake hard work to absorb the instantaneous speed of the car and change it into heat which is then removed. Futile neglect of energy that is not necessary.

Hybrid or not, to reduce air pollution and save energy can we do now. Everything depends on our willingness and attitudes daily.

New Anti Scratch Layer Technologies

A futuristic new materials that use sunlight to repair scratches on the surface has been developed by researchers in the United States. This material has the potential to create layers that automatically repair to the car or electronic device - so that the goods is still visible like a new, even though long-used.

Boswajit Ghosh and Urban brand of the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg modify polyurethane, a polymer hard and durable that commonly used to make Protective layers, by adding a compound called chitosan who substitute-oxytone. This compound is derived from chitin, a natural polymer found in the general nature as a component of preparing the body shell structure crustacea such as crabs.

This approach works because each polymer on the physical damage, such as deep scratches, the damage to the molecular level - with a ring oxytone polymer. If included in the kind of polyurethane, chitosan chains split into two part reactive free radicals under UV rays - the chains can react with the ring oxytone open, form a polymer bonds rift between new and effectively "filled" (sew) the scratches occurred. This team shows that the scratches sheet of hair size - about 10 micrometer thicks - can be "sewed" perfect under UV light rays in about 30 minutes. However, they do not investigate a more complex damage or scratches more depth.
* scratches strand of hair size, repaired in 30 minutes*

"This is the first time we see a layer polyurethane the own repairing - which it certainly has a lot of commercial benefits," said Nancy Sottos at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, is working to develop systems that own repairing.
The potential application of this new technology is in the automotive industry, which often paint a car is designed with a high scratch resistance to prevent damage from small objects such as stones. Because this new material using the reaction cross-fastening polymer that is not affected by humidity, have the potential to make a "clean sheet" Protective, Sottos said, but still needed time before this can be achieved.

"Like all other new technology, this material must undergo rigorous testing to show that the material is resistant to a similar environment where the standards of automotive paint to use," said Sottos. 'For example, one problem is how well this material to function on the hot weather in Arizona or Australia, where the effect fastening cross akan permanently activated by the high level UV. Other industries may also be interested in this technology, further development and we submit to the designer who berkompeten, Sottos said. One of the potential market for this technology is the electronic industry, such as tools, tools mobile phone and music player is prone to scratches.

Free Pollution Car

The car without the pollution is not only cars that are in a stage of research or testing, but soon will be sold in bulk. And, temporarily, the use of fuel cell car that is devoted to the Mercedes Benz A-Class, which will be named F-Cell. And, the fuel used is hydrogen.
DaimlerChrysler decision is seen as one step to the future, considering the F-Cell is a truly pollution-free cars. In addition to the car-free waste gas (emissions), in a running car is not even remove the voice (noisy).

Can simply say, Mercedes Benz A-Class F-Cell hydrogen combine that brought in the fuel tank with oxygen from the air in the fuel cell to generate electricity. And, the electricity generated is used to drive electric motor. Mercedes Benz A-Class F-Cell have a cruising range of 145 kilometers in the hydrogen charging time. Electrical motor (capacity) 87 PK (paardekracht, horse power), and the maximum speed that can dicapainya 140 kilometers per hour. Acceleration from 0 to 100 kilometers per hour achieved in 16 seconds.

Some other fuel cell cars, which is still in the testing phase, the complete car with a working dynamo ampere battery or battery while the car is driven by electricity derived from hydrogen. When hydrogen supply runs out, power in the battery or the battery will power the engine. Thus, the cruising range cars can reach more than 300 kilometers. More or less equivalent to the cars that use fuel or diesel fuel. FUEL cell consists of two electrode plates that clamp electrolyte. Skipping oxygen electrode on the one hand, while the hydrogen be passing on the other electrode so that it produces electricity, water, and heat.

The method, channeled the hydrogen spilled through catalyst anoda. Oxygen (which is obtained from the air) enters the cathode catalyst. Encouraged by a catalyst, hydrogen atoms split into a proton and electron take separate paths in the cathode. Proton pass through the electrolyte. The electrons creates a separate stream, which can be used before the electrons return back to the cathode to join with the hydrogen and oxygen, and form water molecules. Fuel cell system includes a fuel reformer can utilize all types of hydrogen from hydrocarbons such as natural gas, Methanol, or even a gas / petrol. Given the fuel cell work in chemistry and not combustion engine as the conventional, the emission was very low when compared with the conventional engine clean even the most.

The use of fuel cell as power supply has been developed since long time. Currently more than 200 fuel cell system installed in various parts of the world, including in hospitals, nursing homes, hotels, offices, schools, airports, and the provider of electricity. However, the use of a car that is still the case that something new. To hydrogen for use in the car is not easy. Currently, hydrogen carried in the high pressure tube, that is able to withstand pressures up to 10,000 pounds per square inch (psi) or 700 atmosphere. Involve tube with the pressure of that, the same as bringing a carry-bomb, of course necessary that special protection. If the tube is to explode, could be imagine what happens.

DaimlerChrysler seems to successfully overcome the problems brought by the hydrogen storage tube. If not, does not necessarily DaimlerChrysler will not proceed mass production.